Local Magazine for the Uppingham and Oakham area
Rutland was our 4th magazine – launched in December 2005. From the start it has been extremely successful with advertisers reporting great response rates. This magazine has a distribution of 10,875 covering 30 villages and towns.
The two principal Rutland towns of Uppingham & Oakham are rich in both character and history. Oakham, the bustling County town of Rutland, a thriving business and tourist community and Uppingham an affluent and picturesque market town, provide a wealth of opportunity for businesses. The two famous schools housed by the towns bring an air of distinction to this beautiful region.
Remember – advertising in the Rural Trader just couldn’t be simpler! Check the price table for an idea of what size advert you require, then complete our advertising request form. All design and typesetting is completely free of charge.
Minimum Distribution 10,370
Back to East Midlands Advertising Map or have a look at the other areas that we cover:
North East Northamptonshire
South East Leicestershire
Melton Villages
Leicestershire Derbyshire Border
Villages delivered to:
Ayston, Barleythorpe, Belton, Bisbrooke, Braunston, Brooke, Burley on the Hill, Caldecott, Cold Overton, Egleton, Glaston, Hambleton, Knossington, Langham, Lyddington, Lyndon, Manton, Morcott, Oakham, Pickwell, Pilton, Preston, Ridlington, Seaton, Somerby, Stoke Dry, Uppingham, Wardley, Wing, Whitwell.